Annual Reports and Other Resources
Below are links to our Progress Reports, information on oilseed legislation, our mission, and links to other oilseed sites.
WOCS Project Annual Research Reports
Washington State Legislation
The Washington State legislature website provides a list of committee meeting agendas and meeting times, as well as the option to search for specific bills. Bioenergy bills are most commonly introduced in the Energy, Environment, Transportation or Climate committees, although that can vary.
The U.S. Canola Association provides regular updates to national legislation impacting canola production, including the Farm Bill. The advocacy tab on the USCA website provides more details on the various lobbying efforts of the USCA.
Some WSU web sites provide links to external sites for the convenience of users. These external sites are not managed by the WSU. Furthermore, WSU does not review, control or take responsibility for the content of these sites, nor do these sites implicitly or explicitly represent official positions and policies of WSU.
- North Dakota State University (canola resource page)
- Okanola (Oklahoma State University Winter Canola Extension)
- Pacific Northwest Canola Association
- Pacific Northwest Direct Seed Association
- Regional Approaches to Climate Change (REACCH)
PDF Accessibility
If you require an alternative format for any of the content provided on this website, please contact us:
Samantha Crow
Program Specialist 2