Cabbage Seedpod Weevils

Cabbage Seedpod Weevils, if left unchecked, can reduce canola yields by 50%. Adult feeding on developing flower buds can cause them to abort, also known as “bud-blasting.” Larval feeding can destroy several, if not all, of the seeds within an individual pod. With the combination of damaged and developing seeds during pod-fill, pods will become misshapen or distorted and are subject to premature shattering. Therefore, scouting and being able to recognize adult CSPW’s is essential. Adults like many weevil species, have a prominent, curved snout with elbowed antennae. Two round black eyes at the base of the antennae make up the head. The entire body is covered with very fine white hairs. Hairs on the hard wing covers(elytra) form distinct lines. Overall color is ash-grey with the underside and legs a little lighter in color. They measure 3 to 4 mm.
Extension Bulletins

Cabbage Seedpod Weevil Management in Canola
Winter canola acreage in central and eastern Washington continues to increase as more producers learn about the rotational benefits and potential profitability of canola in predominantly cereal-based rotations. With more acres in production, insect pests common in other canola-growing regions of the US and Canada are now being observed in the Pacific Northwest (PNW). While many of the pests are not at thresholds to warrant control measures, the cabbage seedpod weevil, Ceutorhynchus obstrictus (Marsham), is becoming a problem in some areas of Washington State.
- Whaley, D., D. Crowder, and A. Esser. 2018. Cabbage Seedpod Weevil Insecticide Trial in Winter Canola (pdf). In 2018 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 18-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Whaley, D., D. Crowder, and A. Esser. 2017. Cabbage Seedpod Weevil Insecticide Trial in Winter Canola (pdf). In 2017 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 17-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Whaley, D. and F. Young. 2015. Cabbage Seedpod Weevil Survey in Central-Eastern Washington (pdf). In 2015 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 15-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
Visit the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences site to see all the CSS Field Day Abstracts.
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Samantha Crow
Program Specialist 2