
Canola leaf infected with Blackleg.

Canola disease issues are less prevalent and damaging than in other canola growing regions of the US and Canada, which receive summer rainfall. The light disease pressure is likely due to rotations and the Mediterranean climate typical of the inland Pacific Northwest. While canola acreage has expanded dramatically over the last decade the dryland production systems of eastern Washington continue to be dominated by wheat production allowing canola disease cycles to be broken. Additionally, the dry summers typical of the region decrease disease outbreak typical of other canola production regions. To preserve the state of low disease pressure it is important to continue rotating canola with other crops as the acreage of canola steadily increases.

Visit the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences site to see all the CSS Field Day Abstracts.

Black Leg

Canola left infected with Blackleg.

Blackleg is a disease of canola and other Brassica species caused by the fungus Leptosphaeria maculans, also commonly called Phoma lingum. It can be a serious disease of canola and can cause significant yield losses in susceptible varieties.

Click here for Blackleg Frequently Asked Questions (pdf).

Visit the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences site to see all the CSS Field Day Abstracts.

White Mold

Extension Publications

Cover of FS188E.

Sclerotinia Stem Rot or White Mold of Canola (Oilseed Series)

Sclerotinia stem rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum), also known as white mold, can be a very destructive disease of canola. In the canola-producing areas of Canada’s prairie provinces, as well as the midwestern and southern United States, Sclerotinia can be a major issue. Although the occurrence of Sclerotinia in the Pacific Northwest is minimal, it can cause extensive damage in infected fields.

For more information on disease contact:

Tim Paulitz
Phone: 509-335-7077

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