General Production Information
General Information on Oilseeds
Extension Publications
Advances in Dryland Farming in the Inland Pacific Northwest
The Pacific Northwest is an important wheat production region. In 2015, the National Agricultural Statistics Service indicated that Washington, Idaho, and Oregon harvested more than 240 million bushels of wheat, worth an estimated $1.3 billion. The major areas of production in the inland Pacific Northwest are shown below, and incorporate both irrigated and dryland acreage.
Physiology Matters: Adjusting Wheat-based Management Strategies for Oilseed Production
The wheat-dominated inland Pacific Northwest (iPNW) has a broad range of environments and soil types; however, the region lacks crop diversity. Many other semi-arid wheat growing regions throughout the world have successfully included oilseeds in their rotations for decades (Conley et al. 2004; Kirkegaard et al. 2008; Zentner et al. 2002). While interest in oilseed crops in the iPNW dates back to the 1970s (Divine et al. 1977) production has lagged due to socioeconomics, unique environmental conditions, and agronomic reasons (Pan et al. 2016a).
Oilseed Production Case Studies in the Eastern Washington Low-to-Intermediate Rainfall Zone
The low- (less than 12 inches annually) to intermediate (12–17 inches annually) precipitation zone of eastern Washington has the largest area of arable cropland in the state (2.3 million acres) and the widest range of elevations and microclimates of the four major production zones (Fig. 1). The case study farms in this publication extend from Dayton in the southeast corner of the state to Bridgeport in north-central Washington.
Oilseed Production Case Studies in the Eastern Washington High Rainfall Zone
The higher rainfall areas of eastern Washington that make up the study area (Region 1; see Fig. 1) are characterized by the rolling hills and rich, productive soils of the Palouse, where wheat-based annual cropping rotations have been the traditional system for many years. The region encompasses 1,571,669 acres of cropland ranging from 1,500 feet to 3,000 feet above sea level.
Irrigated Spring and Winter Canola Production in Washington
Winter and spring canola have been produced on limited acreages in Washington State for many years. However, that concentration is rapidly expanding due not only to food (canola oil) and feed (canola meal) demand, but state and federal mandates for increased biofuel production from in-state feedstocks.
- Young, F., L. Port, and W. Pan. 2016. Best Management Practices to Improve Low Rainfall Oilseed Production (pdf). In 2016 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 16-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Port, L. and F. Young. 2015. Stripper Header Stubble May Conserve Fallow Moisture (pdf). In 2015 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 15-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Reese, M., W. Pan, F. Young, and W. Schillinger. 2015. Winter Canola Water Use in Low Rainfall Areas of Eastern Washington (pdf). In 2015 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 15-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Baxter-Potter, L., I.C. Burke, E.P. Fuerst, S. Guy, T.G. Chastain, D.J. Wycoski, and W.F. Schillinger. 2013. Analysis of Fatty Acid Content in Oilseeds (pdf). In 2013 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 13-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Beard, T.L., K. Borrelli, W.L. Pan, and C. Xiao. 2013. A Comparison of Oilseed and Grass Crop Residue Silicon and Fiber Composition and Impacts on Soil Quality (pdf). In 2013 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 13-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Esser. A. 2013. Spring Canola Production at the WSU Wilke Research and Extension Farm (pdf). In 2013 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 13-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Roe, D., F.L. Young, D.K. Whaley, and W.L. Pan. 2013. Winter Canola Production in the Low- to Intermediate-Rainfall Zones of the Pacific Northwest (pdf). In 2013 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 13-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Stubbs, T., A. Kennedy, and J. Hansen. 2013. Residue Decomposition of Canola Cultivars (pdf). In 2013 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 13-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Burke, I. and P. Fuerst. 2012. Oilseed Analysis at WSU (pdf). In 2012 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech. Report 12-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Miller, T., C. Cogger, and A. Bary. 2012. Biofuels Research in Western Washington (pdf). In 2012 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech. Report 12-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Young, F., D. Roe, L. McGrew, D. Whaley, and C. Watt. 2012. Is Spring Canola Viable in North Central Washington? (pdf) In 2012 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech. Report 12-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Ott-Borrelli, K. and B. Pan. 2009. Preliminary Straw Characterization of Five Biofuel Crops in the Pacific and Inland Northwest (pdf). In 2009 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech. Report 09-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Hang, A.N., S. Fransen and H. Collins. 2008. Biofuel Feedstock Research in Irrigated Central Washington (pdf). In 2008 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech. Report 08-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Stannard, M. and S. Fransen. 2008. Tall Wheatgrass Feedstock Evaluation (pdf). In 2008 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech. Report 08-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Stevens, B., B. Pan, J. Yenish, B. Parker, T. Peters, B. McKean, and D. Kramer. 2008. Arundo donax for Biomass Ethanol, Fiber, Carbon Sequestration (pdf). In 2008 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech. Report 08-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Young, F., D. Roe, L. Bewick, N. Suverly, and C. Hennings. 2008. Agronomic Management of Canola (pdf). In 2008 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech. Report 08-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
Visit the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences site to see all the CSS Field Day Abstracts.
- Beard, T.L., K. Borrelli, W.L. Pan, and C. Xiao. 2012. A Comparison of Oilseed and Grass Crop Residue Si and Fiber Composition and Impacts on Soil Quality. Poster presentation at Northwest Bioenergy Research Symposium. Seattle, WA. Nov. 13, 2012.
- Burke, I.C. 2012. End Use Oil Characteristics: Genetics and Environment Matter. Oral presentation in Pacific Northwest Oilseed Crop Adaptation session. Northwest Bioenergy Research Symposium. Seattle, WA. Nov. 13, 2012.
- Pan, W.L. 2012. Rewriting the Oilseed Management Playbook for the Pacific Northwest. Oral presentation in Pacific Northwest Oilseed Crop Adaptation session. Northwest Bioenergy Research Symposium. Seattle, WA. Nov. 13, 2012.
- Pan, W. 2012. Lifecycle Assessment: Is Oilseed-Based Biodiesel Good for the Environment? Oral presentation in Oilseed Economics, Breeding and Lifecycle Assessment session. Northwest Bioenergy Research Symposium. Seattle, WA. Nov. 13, 2012.
- Young, F.L. and W.L. Pan. 2011. Bioenergy Crops: Canola. Oral presentation in: Biofuels Crops – The Future is Now session 3D at: Washington Future Energy Conference. Seattle, WA. Oct. 18-19, 2011.
- Sowers, K.E., R.D. Roe and W.L. Pan. 2010. Case studies of oilseed producers in Washington State. Poster session at: Northwest Bioenergy Research Symposium. Seattle, WA. Nov. 8-10, 2010
- Burke, I.C., P. Fuerst, S. Mattinson, B.Stevens, J. Davenport, T. Peters, and R. Okwany. 2010. Oil Content and Analysis of Washington Field Oilseed Samples. Poster. 2010 Northwest Bioenergy Research Symposium. Seattle, WA. Nov. 8-10, 2010.
- Miller, T., C. Cogger, A. Bary, C. Libbey, and E. Myhre. 2010. Growing Biofuel Crops in Western Washington. Poster session at: Northwest Bioenergy Research Symposium. Seattle, WA. Nov. 8-10, 2010.
- Schillinger, W.F., A.C. Kennedy, and T.C. Paulitz. 2010. Fourteen Years of Diverse Annual No-Till Cropping in Washington’s Winter Wheat-Summer Fallow Region [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 31 Oct. – 3 Nov., Long Beach, CA. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
- Hammac, W.A., W. Pan, R. Bolton, and R. Koenig. 2008. Characterization of Crop Root Hairs Using High Resolution Imaging. ASA Abstracts, Madison, WI.
- Hang, A.N., S.C. Fransen, and H.P. Collins. 2008. Biofuel Feedstock Research for Central Washington. GSA, ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstr. 546-12.
- 2019 Annual WOCS Meeting
- The AHL Gene Family and Its Role in Hypocotyl Length and Seed Size in Oilseed Plants (pdf)
Michael Neff - Washington Oilseed Cropping Systems Research 2019 (pdf)
Timothy Paulitz - Washington Oilseed Cropping Systems Research 2019 (pdf)
Bill Schillinger, Jeremy Hansen, Tim Paulitz, Dan Schlatter, Ron Jirava, John Jacobsen, and Steve Schofstoll - Washington Oilseed Cropping Systems Research 2019 (pdf)
Karen Sowers
- The AHL Gene Family and Its Role in Hypocotyl Length and Seed Size in Oilseed Plants (pdf)
- 2018 Oilseed Workshops
- SOB3/AHL29 Regulates Seed Size and Hypocotyl Elongation in Plants (pdf)
Pushpa Sharma Koirala, Jianfel Zhao, and Michael Neff, WSU - Long-Term Oilseed Cropping Systems Research in East-Central Washington (pdf)
Bill Schillinger, WSU; Jeremy Hansen, WSU & USDA-ARS; Brenton Sharratt, USDA-ARS; Tim Paulitz, USDA-ARS; Ron Jirava, Farmer, John Jacobsen, WSU; Bruce Sauer, WSU; and Steve Schofstoll, WSU
- SOB3/AHL29 Regulates Seed Size and Hypocotyl Elongation in Plants (pdf)
- 2018 Annual WOCS Meeting
- Model Simulations to Explore Flex-Crop Opportunities for Spring Canola (pdf)
Harsimran Kaur, Bryan Carlson, and Dave Huggins - The AHL Gene Family and its Role in Hypocotyl Length and Seed Size in Oilseed Plants (pdf)
Michael Neff - Washington Oilseed Cropping Systems Research 2017 (pdf)
Timothy Paulitz - Oilseed Cropping Systems Research in the Drylands (pdf)
Bill Schillinger, Jeremy Hansen, Tim Paulitz, Brenton Sharratt, Ron Jirava, Jeff Schibel, John Jacobsen, and Steve Schofstoll
- Model Simulations to Explore Flex-Crop Opportunities for Spring Canola (pdf)
- 2017 WOCS Workshops
- Oilseeds 101: Know Before You Grow (pdf)
Jim Davis, UI - Why I Grow Canola (pdf)
Mark Greene, Cloverton - Oilseeds and Biofuels in Washington State, 2017 (pdf)
Mary Beth Lang, WA State Department of Agriculture - Why Does the Pacific Northwest Need a Canola Grower Association? (pdf)
Anna Scharf, Amity, OR and Jeff Scott, Pond Creek, OK - Wheat and Canola Make a Great Team (pdf)
Nate Clemens, Croplan by Winfield
- Oilseeds 101: Know Before You Grow (pdf)
- 2017 Annual WOCS Meeting
- Oilseeds and Biofuels in Washington State, 2017 (pdf)
Mary Beth Lang - Oilseed Cropping Systems Research in the Drylands (pdf)
Bill Schillinger, John Jacobsen, Tim Paulitz, and Jeremy Hansen - Modification of Hypocotyl Length and Seed Size in Camelina and Canola via Manipulation of the AHL Gene Family (pdf)
Michael Neff
- Oilseeds and Biofuels in Washington State, 2017 (pdf)
- 2016 Annual WOCS Meeting
- Canola Acreage on the Increase (pdf)
Dennis Roe - Modification of Hypocotyl Length and Seed Size in Camelina and Canola via Manipulation of the AHL Gene Family (pdf)
Michael Neff - Dryland and Irrigated Oilseed Cropping Systems (pdf)
Bill Schillinger and Jeremy Hansen - Winter Canola Production in the Low to Intermediate Rainfall Zones of the PNW (pdf)
Frank Young, Megan Reese and Tai Maaz
- Canola Acreage on the Increase (pdf)
- 2015 PNW Oilseed and Direct Seed Conference
- Regional Canola Grower Survey (pdf)
Katie Reed, Jack Brown, Jim B. Davis, Megan Wingerson, and Bradley Pakish, University of Idaho - Oilseed Production Feasibility in the Pacific Northwest (pdf)
Pedee Ewing, Jack Brown, Jim Davis, and Megan Wingerson, University of Idaho - Investigating Cover Crops in Dryland Pacific Northwest Winter Wheat Rotations (pdf)
Sage McClintick-Friddle, Jim B. Davis, Megan Wingerson, Jack Brown, and Bradley Pakish, University of Idaho - Detecting Variance of Oil Concentration in Canola (pdf)
John McCallum and Dan Long, USDA-ARS, Pendleton, OR - Optimal Agronomic Conditions for Spring and Winter Canola Production in Northern Idaho (pdf)
Katie Reed, Jack Brown, Jim B. Davis, Megan Wingerson, and Bradley Pakish, University of Idaho - Nematodes: It is Important to Identify Species as well as to Determine Numbers (pdf)
Richard Smiley, Oregon State University, Pendleton and Moro - Winter Canola Yield and Survival as a Function of Environment, Genetics, and Management (pdf)
Michael Stamm, Yared Assefa, and Kraig Roozeboom, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS - Environmental Effects on Oil Quality of High Oleic-Low Linoleneic (HOLL) and Low Linoleneic (LLIN) Spring Canola (pdf)
Megan Wingerson, Jim B. Davis and Jack Brown, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID - Yield, Oil Content and Water Use of Summer-Planted Winter Canola in Semiarid Oregon (pdf)
Don Wysocki and Alan Wernsing, Oregon State University, Pendleton, OR - Case Study for Cropping Concepts in North Central Washington (pdf)
Frank Young, USDA-ARS, Pullman, WA - Innovations in Agriculture and Components of a Successful Cropping System (pdf)
Neil Harker, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada - Sensors for Unmanned Aerial Systems (pdf)
John Sulik, USDA-ARS, Pendleton, OR - The Impact of Research and Extension on Oilseed Production in Washington State (pdf)
Karen Sowers, Bill Pan and Dennis Roe, Washington State University, Pullman, WA - A Summarization of Past, Current, and Future Winter Canola Research in the PNW (pdf)
Frank Young,1 Dale Whaley,2 William Pan,3 Lauren Young,3 Dennis Roe,3 Larry McGrew,1 Laban Molsee,3 and Karen Sowers3; 1USDA-ARS, Pullman, WA, 2Washington State University Extension-Waterville and 3WSU-Pullman - Canola 101: Getting Started and Revisiting the Basics:
- Jim Davis (pdf), University of Idaho, Moscow, ID
- Beau Blachly (pdf), Croplan by Winfield
- Water Management in Dryland and Irrigated Systems:
- Kurt Melville (pdf), Enterprise, OR
- Megan Reese (pdf), WSU
- Bill Schillinger (pdf), WSU Lind Dryland Research Station
- Managing Chem Fallow for Oilseeds:
- Frank Young (pdf), USDA-ARS, Pullman, WA
- Douglas Poole (pdf), Mansfield, WA
- Regional Canola Grower Survey (pdf)
- 2014 WSU Oilseed and PNDSA Direct Seed Conference
- Oilseed Production Feasibility in the Pacific Northwest (pdf)
Pedee Ewing, Jack Brown, Jim Davis, and Megan Wingerson; University of Idaho - Regional Canola Grower Survey (pdf)
Katie Reed, Jack Brown, Jim Davis, and Megan Wingerson; University of Idaho - Non-Cereal Crops as Hosts for Root Lesion Nematodes (pdf)
Richard Smiley and Guiping Yan, Oregon State University, Pendleton, OR - A Summarization of Past, Current, and Future Winter Canola Research in the PNW (pdf)
F. Young1, W. Pan2, L. Young2, D. Roe2, L. McGrew1, L. Molsee2 and K. Sowers2; 1USDA-ARS, Pullman, WA and 2WSU - Thirty Seven Years of Oilseed Research at the University of Idaho (pdf)
Jack Brown – University of Idaho, Moscow, ID - Canola and Its Role in Australia’s Conservation Farming Revolution (pdf)
John Kirkegaard – CSIRO Canberra, Australia - Oilseed Policy in Washington State (pdf)
Mary Beth Lang – Washington State Department of Agriculture, Olympia, WA - Role of Policy in the Growth of Canola and No-till in Canada and Australia (pdf)
Tai McClellan Maaz – Washington State University, Pullman, WA - Risk Management for Oilseed and Direct Seed Cropping Systems (pdf)
Dave Paul – USDA-RMA, Spokane, WA - The Inside Scoop about Canola Production with Irrigation – Grower Experiences (pdf)
Todd Rodrigues – Odessa, WA - National Policy – U.S. Canola Acres, Renewable Fuel Standard, The Farm Bill, Ag Appropriations (pdf)
Dale Thorenson – U.S. Canola Association, Washington, D.C. - The Inside Scoop about Canola Production with High Rainfall – Grower Experiences (pdf)
Randy Emtman – Valleyford, WA - Precision Ag Trends & New Technology (pdf)
Raj Khosla – Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO - Cover Cropping for the Inland Northwest: A Work in Progress (pdf)
Diana Roberts – WSU Spokane Co. Extension, Spokane, WA - Defining Agroecological Classes for Assessing Land Use Dynamics (pdf)
David Huggins1, Richard Rupp2, Paul Gessler3, William Pan2, David Brown2, Stephen Machado4, John Abatzoglou5, Von Walden5, Sanford Eigenbrode6; 1USDA-ARS, Pullman, WA; 2Dept. Crop and Soil Sciences, WSU; 3Dept. of Forest Ecology & Biogeosciences, Univ. of Idaho; 4CBARC, OSU; 5Dept. of Geography, Univ. of Idaho; 6Dept. of Plant, Soil and Ent. Sci., Univ. of Idaho - Optimal Agronomic Conditions for Spring and Winter Canola Production in Northern Idaho (pdf)
Katie Reed, Jack Brown, Jim Davis, and Megan Wingerson; University of Idaho - Irrigated Canola Production Strategies (pdf)
Roy Andrews – Wilbur-Ellis, Odessa, WA - Harnessing (Roots and) Soil Biology (pdf)
John Kirkegaard – CSIRO Canberra, Australia - Canola Production Strategies – High Rainfall Regions (pdf)
Heath Sanders – Great Plains Canola Association/USCA, Oklahoma - Signaling Systems Within The Plant: A New Era of Understanding (pdf)
Phil Thomas – BrassicaCorp Ltd, Alberta, Canada - Croplan by Winfield – 2014 Product and Pipeline Update (pdf)
Mark Torno – U.S. Canola, Sunflower and Wheat Marketing Manager, Garrison, ND
- Oilseed Production Feasibility in the Pacific Northwest (pdf)
- 2013 Oilseed Production and Marketing Conference
- Biodiesel Quality, Blending, and Distribution (pdf)
Jim Cach, Coleman Oil, Lewiston - 20+ Years Growing Oilseeds (pdf)
Hal Johnson, Davenport – low to intermediate rainfall - Biofuel Production and Use in Washington (pdf)
Mary Beth Lang, Bioenergy and Special Projects Coordinator, WA State Dept of Agriculture - Irrigated Oilseed Production Practices (pdf)
Jeff Schibel, Schibel Farms, Inc., Odessa, WA - Producing Canola in the Great Plains (pdf)
Bob Schrock, Kiowa, Kansas canola producer - Growing Canola for Specialty Oils (pdf)
Steve Starr, vice president of procurement, Pacific Coast Canola - Update on State of the Biodiesel Industry – Engine Warranties, On-Road Testing, and Fuel Quality (pdf)
Joe Thompson – University of Idaho - Why & How to Grow an Oilseed Industry (pdf)
Ron Sholar, Executive Director, Great Plains Canola Association and Oklahoma Oilseed Commission, Stillwater, OK - Partnerships to Create a Sustainable Biofuel System (pdf)
Dale Whaley, WSU and Frank Young, USDA-ARS - Canola Production in the Intermediate Rainfall Region (pdf)
Hal Johnson, Nordic Hills Farm, Davenport, WA - Pacific Coast Canola, LLC Update (pdf)
Matt Upmeyer, general manager, PCC - Effects of Brassicaceae Seed Meal-Amended Soil on Germination and Growth of Weed Seeds (pdf)
Donna Brown, Maxwell Handiseni, Jack Brown and Mark Mazzola, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID
- Biodiesel Quality, Blending, and Distribution (pdf)
- 2012 Bioenergy Research Symposium
- Rewriting the Oilseed Management Playbook for the Pacific Northwest
Bill Pan, WSU - End Use Oil Characteristics: Genetics and Environment Matter
Ian Burke, WSU
- Rewriting the Oilseed Management Playbook for the Pacific Northwest
- 2012 Oilseed Crop Production Workshop
- Oilseed Content and Quality (pdf)
Ian Burke, WSU - Washington Biofuel Production and Use (pdf)
Mary Beth Lang, Washington State Department of Agriculture - Oil Concentration Monitoring (pdf)
Dan Long, USDA-ARS Pendleton, OR - Farmer Education Through Communications (pdf)
Heath Sanders, Producers Cooperative Oil Mill, Oklahoma City, OK - Great Plains Canola Association and Canola Production in Oklahoma (pdf)
Jeff Scott, Pond Creek, OK - Moving Forward with Winter Canola in the Southern Great Plains (pdf)
Mike Stamm, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS - Delivering a System for Higher Yield in Canola (pdf)
Kevin Zander, Monsanto - Irrigated Winter Canola Production (photos) (pdf)
Dallas Deife, Odessa - Canola Production on Camas Prairie (pdf)
Steve Riggers, Grangeville, ID - Ag Lender Perspective of Oilseed Production (pdf)
Dennis Roe, WSU - Canola Production in the Pacific Northwest (pdf)
Frank Young, USDA-ARS Pullman - Delivering a System for Higher Yield in Canola (pdf)
Kevin Zander, Monsanto
- Oilseed Content and Quality (pdf)
- 2011 Future Energy Conference
- Bioenergy Crops: Canola (pdf)
Frank Young, USDA-ARS and Bill Pan, WSU-Pullman
- Bioenergy Crops: Canola (pdf)
- 2011 Oilseed Crop Production Workshop
- Is it Possible Canola Will Work for You? (pdf)
Bob Hutchens, Dayton, WA - Oilseeds and Washington’s Bioenergy Initiative (pdf)
Mary Beth Lang, Washington State Department of Agriculture - Biodiesel State of the Nation 2011 (pdf)
Phil Linden, Washington State University - Canola Experiment on Pursuit Ground (pdf)
Rich Olson, Garfield, WA - Washington State Biofuel Cropping Opportunities and Challenges (pdf)
Bill Pan, Washington State University - Irrigation Management of Oilseed Crops (Canola, Camelina, Safflower) in Eastern Washington (pdf)
Hal Collins, USDA-ARS Prosser, An Hang, Karen Sowers and Bill Pan, Washington State University
- Is it Possible Canola Will Work for You? (pdf)
- 2010 Bioenergy Research Symposium
- Oil Content and Quality in Washington Field Oilseed Samples (pdf)
Ian Burke, Patrick Fuerst, Scott Mattinson, Bob Stevens, Joan Davenport, Troy Peters, Romulus Okwany - Growing Biofuel Crops in Western Washington (pdf)
Timothy Miller, Craig Cogger, Andrew Bary, Carl Libbey, and Elizabeth Myhre - WA State Biofuel Cropping Opportunities and Challenges (pdf)(oral presentation)
Bill Pan - Case Studies of Oilseed Crop Producers in Washington State (pdf)
Karen Sowers, Dennis Roe and Bill Pan - Bioenergy Cropping Systems Research and Outreach (pdf)
Frank Young, Dennis Roe and Larry McGrew; Ed Townsend and Wade Troutman, grower cooperators
- Oil Content and Quality in Washington Field Oilseed Samples (pdf)
- Alege, F.P., G.J. Miito, L.W. Devetter, H. Tao, and P.M. Ndegwa*. 2020. Effect of blending dairy manure compost and canola meal on pellets quality and nutrients concentrations. Transactions of the ASABE. doi: 10.13031/trans.14057.
- Port, L.E., F.L. Young, and W.L. Pan. 2017. Producing high-residue no-till fallow in the low-rainfall zone of the Pacific Northwest. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management 3:2017-03-0024. doi:10.2134/cftm2017.03.0024.
- Favero, D.S., C.N. Jacques, A. Iwase, K.N. Le, J. Zhao, K. Sugimoto, and M.M. Neff. 2016. SUPPRESSOR OF PHYTOCHROME B4-#3 Represses Genes Associated with Auxin Signaling to Modulate Hypocotyl Growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology 171:2701-2716.
- Long, D., F. Young, W. Schillinger, C. Reardon, J. Williams, B. Allen, W. Pan, and D. Wysocki. 2016. Development of Dryland Oilseed Production Systems in Northwestern Region of the United States. Bionenergy Research 9:412-429.
- Long, D.S., J.D. McCallum, F.L. Young, and A. Lenssen. 2012. In-Stream Measurement of Canola (Brassica napus L.) Seed Oil Concentration Using In-Line Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy. 20 (3):387-395.
- Hammac, A., W.L. Pan, R.P. Bolton, and R.T. Koenig. 2011. High Resolution Imaging to Assess Oilseed Species’ Root Hair Responses to Soil Water Stress. Plant Soil 339: 125-135.
Outreach and Extension
- Madsen, I.J. and I.C. Burke. 2021. Washington Oilseed Cropping System Extension and Outreach (pdf). p. 58. In 2021 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 21-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Madsen, I.J., and I. Burke. 2020. Washington Oilseed Cropping Systems Extension and Outreach (pdf). p. 13. In 2020 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 20-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Sowers, K., D. Roe, A. Esser, I. Burke, R. Bomberger, Scot Hulbert, B. Schillinger, and T. Paulitz. 2019. WSU-WOCS Extension & Outreach: The Link from Research to Stakeholders (pdf). p. 25. In 2019 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 19-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Sowers., K., D. Roe, A. Esser, R. Bomberger, S. Hulbert, D. Whaley, B. Schlilinger, and T. Paulitz. 2018. Making Connections and Making a Difference: WSU-WOCS Extension & Outreach (pdf). In 2018 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 18-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Sowers, K. 2018. Pacific Northwest Canola Association Becomes Reality (pdf). In 2018 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 18-1, WSU, Pullman, WA
- Sowers, K., D. Roe, A. Esser, B. Pan, R. Bomberger, D. Whaley, B. Schillinger, and F. Young. 2017. WSU Oilseed Extension and Outreach: Full Speed Ahead! (pdf) In 2017 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 17-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Sowers, K., D. Roe, B. Pan, F. Young, A. Esser, and B. Schillinger. 2016. Extension and Outreach: Getting Oilseed Information in the Hands of Stakeholders (pdf). In 2016 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 16-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Sowers, K., T. Beard, D. Roe, B. Pan, F. Young, A. Esser, and B. Schillinger. 2015. Washington Oilseed Cropping Systems Project: Still Going Strong (pdf). In 2015 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 15-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Sowers, K., D. Roe, B. Pan, F. Young, A. Esser, and B. Schillinger. 2014. Spreading the Word about Oilseed Production – WSU Extension and Outreach (pdf). In 2014 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 14-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Pan, W.L. 2013. The “Oilseed Based” Washington State Biofuels Cropping System (WBCS) Project (pdf). In 2013 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 13-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Sowers, K., D. Roe, F. Young, A. Esser, B. Schillinger, and B. Pan. 2013. Oilseed Extension and Outreach Activities and Outcomes (pdf). In 2013 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 13-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Sowers, K., D. Roe, B. Pan, and D. Marsh. 2012. Extension and Outreach Activities (pdf). In 2012 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech. Report 12-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Pan, W. and K. Sowers. 2010. Progress of Washington State Biofuels Cropping Systems Project (pdf). In 2010 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech. Report 10-2, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Kruger, C. and B. Pan. 2008. WSU Jumps into the Biofuel Mania? (pdf) In 2008 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech. Report 08-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
Visit the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences site to see all the CSS Field Day Abstracts.
- Sowers, K.E., R.D. Roe and W.L. Pan. 2012. Tailoring Extension Education Efforts to Region-Apecific Oilseed Production Zones In Washington State. Poster presentation at Northwest Bioenergy Research Symposium. Seattle, WA. Nov. 13, 2012.
- Young, F.L. 2012. Partnerships to Create a Sustainable Biofuel System. Poster presentation at Northwest Bioenergy Research Symposium. Seattle, WA. Nov. 13, 2012.
- Sowers, K.E., R.D. Roe and W.L. Pan. 2011. Tailoring Extension Education Efforts to Region-Specific Oilseed Production Zones in Washington State. [CD-ROM]. American Society of Agronomy annual meeting, 16-20 Oct., San Antonio, TX. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
- Pan, W.L. 2010. Washington State Biofuel Cropping Opportunities and Challenges. Oral presentation at: Northwest Bioenergy Research Symposium. Seattle, WA. Nov. 8-10, 2010.
- Young, F.L., R.D. Roe, L. McGrew, E. Townsend, and W. Troutman. 2010. Bioenergy Cropping Systems Research and Outreach. Poster session at: Northwest Bioenergy Research Symposium. Seattle, WA. Nov. 8-10, 2010.
- 2023 Northwest Bioenergy Summit
- 2023 WOCS Updates (pdf)
Surendra Singh
- 2023 WOCS Updates (pdf)
- 2018 Annual WOCS Meeting
- WOCS Extension and Outreach (pdf)
Karen Sowers
- WOCS Extension and Outreach (pdf)
- 2017 Annual WOCS Meeting
- WOCS Extension and Outreach: Boots on the Ground (pdf)
Dennis Roe and Karen Sowers
- WOCS Extension and Outreach: Boots on the Ground (pdf)
- 2016 Annual WOCS Meeting
- WOCS Extension and Outreach (pdf)
Karen Sowers
- WOCS Extension and Outreach (pdf)
- 2013 Oilseed Production and Marketing Conference
- Tailoring Outreach and Education to Region-Specific Oilseed Production Zones in Washington State (pdf)
Karen Sowers, Dennis Roe and Bill Pan, Washington State University
- Tailoring Outreach and Education to Region-Specific Oilseed Production Zones in Washington State (pdf)
Climate Change Information
- 2012 Bioenergy Research Symposium
- Lifecycle Assessment: Is Oilseed-Biodiesel Good for the Environment?
Bill Pan, WSU
- Lifecycle Assessment: Is Oilseed-Biodiesel Good for the Environment?
- Kruger, C., C. Stockle, D. Shresha, K. Painter, and B. Pan. 2015. Life Cycle Assessment of Pacific Northwest Canola-based Biodiesel. In Borrelli et al. (eds.), Regional Approaches to Climate Change for Northwest Agriculture, Climate Science Northwest Farmers Can Use. REACCH Annual Conference, Pasco WA, Feb 14-15, p. 26-27.
- Pan, W. and K. Borrelli. Win-Win Scenarios for Farm and Climate. 2015. In Borrelli et al. (eds.), Regional Approaches to Climate Change for Northwest Agriculture, Climate Science Northwest Farmers Can Use. p. 4. REACCH Annual Meeting; March 4-6, 2015; Pasco WA.
- Maaz, T.M., W. Schillinger, E. Brooks, S. Machado, J. Maynard-Johnson, I. Leslie, L. Port, W.L. Pan, I. Madsen, F.L. Young, A. Glover, H. Collins, and A. Esser. 2017. Impact of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies on Winter Wheat and Cropping System Performance across Precipitation Gradients in the Inland Pacific Northwest, USA. Frontiers in Environmental Science 5:23. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2017.00023
- Pan, W. L., W.F. Schillinger, F.L. Young, E.M. Kirby, G.G. Yorgey, K.A. Borrelli, E.S. Brooks, V.A. McCracken, T.M. Maaz, S. Machado, I.J. Madsen, J.L. Johnson-Maynard, L.E. Port, K. Painter, D.R. Huggins, A.D. Esser, H.P. Collins, C.O. Stockle, and S.D. Eigenbrode. 2017. Integrating historic agronomic and policy lessons with new technologies to drive farmer decisions for farm and climate: The case of inland Pacific Northwestern U.S. Frontiers in Environmental Science. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2017.00076
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