Economics and Marketing
Enterprise Budgets

Wheat and Canola Rotations in Eastern Washington Intermediate Rainfall Regions 12” to 16” (Oilseed Series)
The budgets for 3-year wheat and canola rotations in eastern Washington with intermediate rainfall (12 to 16 inches) were developed to estimate enterprise costs and returns for farm operations currently growing or considering growing canola. The budgets are available in an interactive Excel workbook showing the default cost and return scenarios. Default budget data are based on a model farm, designed to reflect a “typical” dryland farm operation in the 12 to 16 inch intermediate rainfall regions of Washington.
Download the Intermediate Rainfall Enterprise Budget (excel spreadsheet) here.

Wheat and Canola Rotations in Eastern Washington Low Rainfall Regions (<12”) (Oilseed Series)
The budgets for wheat and canola rotations in eastern Washington low rainfall regions (<12”) were developed to estimate enterprise costs and returns for farm operations currently growing or considering growing canola. Default budget data are based on a model farm, designed to reflect a “typical” dryland farm operation in the less than 12-inch (<12”) low rainfall region of Washington (see details in Budget Assumptions section). Users can use and adapt the Excel workbook budgets to compare costs and returns between canola and non-canola rotations. Inserting canola into traditional rotations may affect overall farm costs and returns due to changes in chemical use, weed control in subsequent crops, machinery operations to handle stubble, and the like.
Download the Low Rainfall Enterprise Budget (spreadsheet) here.
Cash Bids
- CHS Primeland Cooperatives
- Highline Grain Growers
- Northwest Grain Growers (Walla Walla)
- Pomeroy Grain Growers
- Ritzville Warehouse
- Viterra – email to request more information
*** please send any additions or changes to Samantha Crow
- McCracken, V.A., and J. Connolly. 2017. Economics – Can Oilseeds Improve the Bottom Line in a Cereal Rotation? (pdf) In 2017 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 17-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- McCracken, V. and J. Connolly. 2016. Cropping Systems: Economic Returns to Canola Rotations in Eastern Washington (pdf). In 2016 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 16-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Sawadago, W. and V. McCracken. 2015. Profitability of Oilseed Crops in Dryland Eastern Washington Wheat Rotations (pdf). In 2015 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 15-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Sowers, K., M.B. Lang, and B. Pan. 2014. The Rise of the Canola Industry in Washington State (pdf). In 2014 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 14-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- McCracken, V.A, and J.R. Connolly. 2013. Economic Returns to Canola Rotations in Eastern Washington (pdf). In 2013 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 13-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
- Young, F., L. Bewick, L. McGrew, and D. Roe. 2010. Introduction of Canola in the Okanogan Region of Washington for Economic and Agronomic Benefits (pdf). In 2010 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech. Report 10-2, WSU, Pullman, WA.
Visit the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences site to see all the CSS Field Day Abstracts.
- 2019 Oilseed Workshops
- Highline Grain Growers (pdf)
Taylor Aaland, Highline Grain - Federal Crop Insurance (pdf)
Nick Gans, USDA - Columbia Grain (pdf)
Nathan Rosenau, Columbia Grain
- Highline Grain Growers (pdf)
- 2017 Annual WOCS Meeting
- 2017 Oilseed Workshops
- Economic Considerations in Incorporating Oilseeds in a Cereal Rotation (pdf)
Vicki McCracken, WSU - Marketing and Delivery of Canola (pdf)
Daniel Stenbakken, Viterra - Oilseed Marketing and Outlook Report (pdf)
Nathan Rosenau, Columbia Grain
- Economic Considerations in Incorporating Oilseeds in a Cereal Rotation (pdf)
- 2016 Annual WOCS Meeting
- Economic Returns to Canola Rotations in Eastern Washington (pdf)
Vicki McCracken and Tai Maaz
- Economic Returns to Canola Rotations in Eastern Washington (pdf)
- 2015 PNW Oilseed and Direct Seed Cropping Systems Conference
- Water Budget Analysis of Cereal-Oilseed Cropping Systems (pdf)
Aron Boettcher, Hayley Peters-Contesse, Mandy Wuest, & Dan Long - Does it Make Economic Sense to Grow Canola in My Rotation? Enterprise Budget Tools for Assessing Costs, Returns, and Rotational Impacts of Canola in Eastern Washington
Jenny R. Connolly, Vicki A. McCracken and Kathleen M. Painter - Economic, Financial and Environmental Decision Tools for Farmers, Ranchers and Land Managers (pdf)
Clark Seavert, Jenna Way, Susan Capalbo, and Laurie Houston - The Economic Environment for Biodiesel: Plant Location Decisions and Feedstock Dynamics (pdf)
Randy Fortenbery - Marketing Commodities in the Pacific Northwest (pdf)
Bud Reidner, McCoy Grain Terminal LLC - 2015 Crop Insurance Update & Thoughts for Growers (pdf)
Jason Ludeman, Crop Insurance Solutions, Spokane WA - Economic Returns to Canola Rotations in Eastern WA (pdf)
Vicki McCracken, WSU School of Economic Sciences, Pullman, WA - Agronomy & Economy of Rotations with Oilseeds (pdf)
Mark Greene, Cloverland, WA - Marketing Strategies – The Big and Little Pictures:
- Canola Marketing for the U.S. Grower (pdf)
Mike Conklin, The Scoular Co., Warden, WA - Heath Barnes (pdf), Whitgro Inc., St. John, WA
- Steve Riggers (pdf), Nezperce, ID
- Canola Marketing for the U.S. Grower (pdf)
- Analyzing Machinery Costs: Methods for Calculating and Comparing Costs (pdf)
Kate Painter, UI, Moscow, ID
- Water Budget Analysis of Cereal-Oilseed Cropping Systems (pdf)
- 2014 WSU and PNDSA Conference
- Does it Make Economic Sense to Grow Canola in My Rotation? Enterprise Budget Tools for Assessing Costs, Returns, and Rotational Impacts of Canola in Eastern Washington (pdf)
Jenny R. Connolly1, Vicki A. McCracken1 and Kathleen M. Painter2; 1WSU School of Economic Sciences and 2Dept. of Ag Economics and Rural Sociology, Univ. of Idaho - Beef Cattle Winter Feed and Protein Supplement Cost Calculator (pdf)
J. Shannon Neibergs1, Donald A. Llewellyn2, Jon Paul Driver3, and Stephanie Ann George1; 1WSU School of Economic Sciences, 2WSU Extension and 3WSU - The Seven Deadly(ish) Sins of Marketing (pdf)
Brian Voth – AgriTrend Marketing, Ste. Agathe, Manitoba
- Does it Make Economic Sense to Grow Canola in My Rotation? Enterprise Budget Tools for Assessing Costs, Returns, and Rotational Impacts of Canola in Eastern Washington (pdf)
- 2013 Oilseed Production and Marketing Conference
- Economic Returns to Canola Rotations in Eastern Washington (pdf)
Jenny Ringwood Connolly, WSU School of Economic Sciences - Do Oilseeds Pay? The Dollars and Sense of Oilseed Production (pdf)
Phil Thomas, Alberta, Canada - Economic Returns to Canola Rotations in Eastern Washington (pdf)
Vicki McCracken and Jenny Ringwood Connolly, Washington State University - Imperium Renewables – Grays Harbor update (pdf)
Todd Ellis, vice president sales and business development
- Economic Returns to Canola Rotations in Eastern Washington (pdf)
- 2012 Bioenergy Research Symposium
- Oilseed Economics (pdf)
Vicki McCracken, WSU
- Oilseed Economics (pdf)
- 2012 Oilseed Crop Production Workshop
- Canola Market Update (pdf)
Byron Behne, Odessa Union Warehouse - Economic Returns to Canola Rotations in Eastern Washington (pdf)
Vicki McCracken, WSU School of Economic Sciences - Cook Farm: Economics of No-Till Rotations with Canola (pdf)
Kate Painter, University of Idaho - Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP) Overview (pdf)
Bill Pan and Tom Marsh, WSU
- Canola Market Update (pdf)
- 2011 Oilseed Crop Production Workshop
- Crop Insurance Options for Oilseed Crops (pdf)
Jonquil Rood, Risk Management Agency - Economic Returns to Canola Rotations in Eastern Washington (pdf)
Nathan Skuza and Vicki McCracken, Washington State University - Oilseed-based Biodiesel Research and End-Use Markets (pdf)
Joe Thompson, University of Idaho - Oilseed Crops and Farm Programs (pdf)
Kathy Wolfe, USDA-FSA Colfax
- Crop Insurance Options for Oilseed Crops (pdf)
- 2010 Bioenergy Research Symposium
- Economic Returns to Canola Rotations in Eastern Washington (pdf)
Nathan Skuza and Vicki McCracken
- Economic Returns to Canola Rotations in Eastern Washington (pdf)
- Other
- McCracken, V. 2012. Oilseed Economics. Oral presentation in Oilseed Economics, Breeding and Lifecycle Assessment session. Northwest Bioenergy Research Symposium. Seattle, WA. Nov. 13, 2012.
- McCracken, V.A. and J. Ringwood. 2012. Economic Returns to Canola Rotations in Eastern Washington. Poster presentation at Northwest Bioenergy Research Symposium. Seattle, WA. Nov. 13, 2012.
- Skuza, N. and V. McCracken. 2010. Economic Returns to Canola Rotations in Eastern Washington. Poster session at: Northwest Bioenergy Research Symposium. Seattle, WA. Nov. 8-10, 2010.
- Maaz, T.M., J.D. Wulfhorst, V. McCracken, H. Kaur, I. Roth, D. Huggins, A. Esser, J. Kirkegaard, and W. Pan. 2018. Economic, policy, and social challenges of introducing oilseed and pulse crops into dryland wheat rotations. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 253:177-194.
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Samantha Crow
Program Specialist 2